Grace Software

$Revision: 1.2 $
$Date: 1999/10/28 11:17:26 $

Name: log.time.format
Description: This controls the apearance of the time when written to a text type output device.  It may also apply to graphic displays but it is not necessary.
Type: String
Acceptable Values:
short Based on java.text.DateFormat.SHORT.  Probably looks like "3/5/99 5:13 PM".
medium Based on java.text.DateFormat.MEDIUM.  Probably looks like "05-Mar-99 5:16:21 PM"
long Based on java.text.DateFormat.LONG.  Probably looks like "March 5, 1999 5:17:02 PM GMT"
full Based on java.text.DateFormat.FULL.  Probably looks like "Friday, March 5, 1999 5:17:37 o'clock PM GMT"
24 Based on SimpleDateFormat("MM/dd/yy HH:mm:ss"). 
SimpleDateFormat If not one of the above, the specified string is passed to the constructor of java.text.SimpleDateFormat.
Default Value: 24
Example Usage:
$ java -Dlog.time.format=long ... Writes times in log as specified above for long format.
$ java -Dlog.time.format=HH:mm:ss ... Writes times in log as hours. minutes, and seconds, each separated by a ':'.