Grace Software

$Revision: 1.2 $
$Date: 1999/10/28 11:17:26 $

Name: log.thread.format
Description: This controls how thread groups and names are formatted.  The group name(s) and thread name are captured at the time the log event call is made and then formatted based on this format string.  The thread name, parent group, and entire heirarchy can be formatted.
Type: String
Acceptable Values: Can be any combination of the following:
%n Formats the name of the thread as obtained from Thread.getName().
%g Formats the parent group name of the thread obtained by Thread.getThreadGroup().getName().
%G Formats the entire heirarchy of group names separated by punc-char.
%punt-char Sets the delimiter character used in the above %G specifier.  The default value is a period '.'.
plain-text Plain text is inserted into the formatted output.
Default Value: %.%G.%n
Example Usage:
$ java -Dlog.format="%t %e %h\n" -Dlog.thread.format="%/%G/%n" grace.log.Log Prints the thread group hierarchy and thread name separated by '/'.  Notice that the first '%/' sets the slash character for the group hierarchy while the second '/' is simply plain-text. This command generates, for example:

03/05/99 17:55:53 trace system/main/Test-Thread.1