Grace Software

$Revision: 1.2 $
$Date: 1999/10/28 11:17:25 $

Name: log.message.format
Description: This controls how user specified message text is written to the log.  This format is used only if the message text is specified by the user.  This means the user can put special formatting character is this format that will only be printed if the message is specified.
Type: String
Acceptable Values: Can be any combination of the following:
%m Formats the message text if the text given is not null
plain-text Plain text is inserted into the formatted output if the message text is not null.
Default Value: %m
Example Usage:
$ java -Dlog.format="%t %e %m\n" -Dlog.message.format="msg=%m" grace.log.Log Prints the message prefixed with msg= only if the message was given by the user.

03/05/99 17:37:32 trace 
03/05/99 17:37:32 trace msg=Example of trace(message)

$ java  -Dlog.format="%t %e %(msg=%m)m\n" grace.log.Log... Same as above but now msg= is given, equivalently, in the sub format of the the log.format property.